Monday, October 11, 2010

Time. Where have you gone!?

I can't believe that our girl is 18 months old! How is that possible? Please don't mind this little photo montage (sp?). While we were in the garden tub "bathing Mommy's clothes", I could not resist snapping some pics of this curly-haired little lady! (I guess I now see how desperately I need to paint our bathroom after seeing the stark white-ness! Ha!)

Campbell is growing up before our eyes. She has got an incredible sense-of-humor, which if you know Ryan, is NOT a surprise! She has a great belly laugh, tries out new words and combinations all day, and is a huge ball of energy. She is a bit of a tom-boy and would live outside if she could. She still loves O'Malley and goes anywhere he does. She loves to talk to her "Ninah", "Doe Doe", "Mad Mad" and "Annie" on Skype and will grab my hand, dragging me to the computer to do so. She LOVES to look at pictures of family members and books-- she has even started trying to "read to us" in her own language while turning the pages. She loves her grandparents and HAS to say each of their names before she lets me get her out of the crib in the morning. She is not crazy about meat, but LOVES cheese, just like her Mama:) In general, she is an absolute love-bug and a joy to be around. We feel so blessed to have been entrusted with her precious life and to share God's amazing creation with her. I think we'll keep her.


  1. SO . DARN . CUTE .
    Love the blog... adore the pics!!!!!! :)
    You and Campbell make my heart smile!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE HER!!!!!! i want to see her so bad!!!! miss yall!!
