Sunday, January 22, 2012

Preparing for baby-time...

We, or really (I), have been in full nesting mode these days. We are about a month out from welcoming little man into our home, and this mama is REALLY getting ready! Emotionally and especially, PHYSICALLY. I know that Ryan is as well, as I have become one of those quiet, cranky pregnant women. But, that could be an entire post in itself.

Here are some pics of things we have been doing around the house, fun showers I have had thus far and little randoms I had to include because they are cute! My sweet work friends gave us an incredibly fun and generous shower that my Mom and sisters were able to come into town for. A wonderful, relaxing time was had by all. Now we anxiously await Cooper's arrival!

Stay tuned for updates as we enter Baby Boy countdown...

Happy Weekending!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas 2011

What a fun Christmas weekend we had! It was a whirlwind traveling from Atmore to Atlanta in about 76 hours, but it was totally worth it. We enjoyed a wonderful day in Atmore with Ryan's family full of delicious food, fantastic presents and even a "snow fight" in the front yard! Then, we dined at Waffle House for a hearty breakfast before heading to Atlanta for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We also had a fabulous time preparing for the "Big Ho Ho Ho's arrival", talking up Santa's descent down the chimney, a yummy Christmas day menu and fun fun fun gifts!

We feel so blessed to be part of such wonderful, generous families. Here are some highlights from our weekend. Hard to believe that next year this time we will have a busy, 10 month old crawling around! But for now... we are enjoying every last second with this fun and beautiful "only" child.

Pray that your Christmas was filled with wonder and awe of our Savior's birth. Love to you all and Happy New Year!!