Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sweet Summertime!

Summer is in full swing around our house, complete with breaking in the new Slip-N-Slide, nightly desserts of PopIce, pigtails to keep cool, and fun summer visitors! We are enjoying these two sweet kiddos more and more each day. Though each are in such different stages, they are becoming very close. Campbell has the magic to calm her brother down when he gets upset, and Cooper could not be more obsessed with where his sister is at all times. Campbell continues to be fun-loving and dramatic at times, already giving us a window into what she will look like and act like when she is 16 years old. She is beautiful inside and out, and her heart is so sweet as she daily tells me, "Mommy, I love you so much. You are wonderful." And, my favorite as I clean up a dirty diaper, "Mommy, great job!" Cooper is generally pretty flexible and a good baby. We have had some trials this month trying to figure out which formula works best for him. We have now decided on Soy. Despite tummy trouble and acne breakouts, his smiles come very easily. Here are some pictures of recent highlights-- Campbell's first date night with Daddy to see "Madagascar 3", Cooper eating cereal, Slip N Slide fun in our backyard before dinner, a visit from Mom (aka "Ninah"), Campbell putting a bandaid on her brother's "chin pimple", and hanging out around the house. Happy Summering to all out there!

1 comment:

  1. precious!
    i am ready to see my sweet niece and nephew!!!
