Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer wrap up and new tricks...

We have had a wonderful summer, full of fun visitors and trips to visit family. Campbell has discovered the fun of WATER, in all its forms... pools, beach, you name it. She has now settled into her new K-3 program at school and loves to learn! We hear fun facts every night at the dinner table. So fun to see a little brain soak up new info. Cooper continues to battle ear infections and TEETHING! I feel like he has been breaking teeth for about 4 months now. Any day now, I expect to see a mouth full after all the sleepless nights, drooling and whining. Despite it all, he is a happy, HUNGRY little guy (exhibit A: the naked, diaper picture of his big 'ol belly). And, yes, new trick! He is sitting up. And LOVES it. The other night, I found him sitting straight up, asleep, in his swing. Sweet little boy. Campbell and Cooper continue to grow close and love to be with each other. Campbell is always asking about him and he is always looking for her. She loves to feed him puffs while I prepare dinner or keep him company while watching Mickey Mouse. I love to see this bond develop more and more everyday! We are looking forward to Fall, football, cooler weather and holidays. Campbell has already decided on a Halloween outfit and has started making a verbal list of things she would like Santa to bring her! Hope everyone is having a great end to the summer. Love to all!!