After a bit of a rough start, what with the 4 day hospital stay when Cooper was only 8 days old-- We are alive and well. A little sleep deprived, maybe, but our latest addition is getting the hang of this sleep-at-night-thing, we hope. Last night, he slept FIVE hours. Whoo hoo!
We continue to enjoy loving on these two sweetie-pies, and adjusting to life as a family of four. Campbell loves her little brother and is the biggest helper I could've hoped for. She enjoys retrieving diapers, burp cloths, pacis, helping put lotion on "Coops" after bathtime, etc., and is quick to tell me to be careful of putting a onesie over his head.
Here are some recent pics, including a newly emerging smile that graces us from Cooper.
We are looking forward to upcoming events such as Campbell's 3rd birthday, Easter, family in town for a visit, my return to work (bittersweet) and Spring fun!
Happy Easter to all... He has risen!
Was it you or the bambino that had to stay in the hospital. I had to go in on Anderson's day 7 and was there for 5 days. Crazy! Glad y'all are doing well now :)