Our sweet girl celebrated her 3rd birthday. I cannot believe how time flies by, and how old she is getting. She is such a joy to be around, and has the sweetest heart I believe I have ever encountered in a little one her age. I told her last night, "Campbell don't grow up anymore. I won't be able to hold you if you get any bigger". She said, "Aw Mommy (and came and held my face in her hands), it's ok, I'll fix it". Her heart is precious.
We had 20 family members over for a birthday brunch on Saturday, complete with a Monkey Bread "Dora" cake! It was wonderful to visit with family, and we couldn't have asked for a more gorgeous day. We missed y'all TONS, my sisters, but SO enjoyed my parents and 90 year old Great Aunt Jo in town!
Easter morning, we went to church for the first time since Little Man's arrival. It was wonderful to see church friends and to worship again in the fellowship of such a sweet congregation. After church, Mom and I cooked a delicious Easter dinner, and we watched Bubba Watson clench the Masters. It was a relaxing, gorgeous, perfect day to celebrate Jesus' resurrection and LIFE.
I pray that each of you had a wonderful holiday weekend!