We are so excited and proud to announce Cooper Douglas Green!!
7 lbs, 3 oz, 20 inches long born at 8:10am.
His arrival did not come as planned, as I was scheduled for an induction on the 17th at 11am. Instead... he decided to plague this Mama with intense contractions around 3:30am, and by the time they were consistent and we were headed for the hospital, I arrived 8cm!!
A rush to get an epidural and started pushing IN AN OFFICE, not even a delievery room, because he was coming so quickly, and we started pushing. Brief but important side note, I has previously broken my tailbone with Campbell when I delivered her 3 years ago. So, when this little man decided to make his big debut, he had a broken, INVERTED tailbone to contend with. Needless to say, delievery was slightly difficult, but so worth it when the doctor used a little vaccuum to get him out.
He is precious! Just so sweet and easy thus far with JET. BLACK. HAIR. He looks alot like his big sister did..
Campbell came up to meet him yesterday afternoon and it was a special time for our little family of FOUR. She held him, rocked him, and pulled him out of his swaddle to do a little "This little Piggy" on both feet. When Cooper would cry, Campbell would shush him, then look at me nervously for reassurance. She is a natural little Mama. As my parents were taking her back to our house for a nap, I asked her what she thought of her little brother. She replied, "Mommy, I love him, but he makes me tired". Haha!
Thank you for all your prayers and check-ups on me and our family. We are so blessed to have Cooper here with us. And, I am so happy that we get to embark on this journey. Love to you all!!
**Am having alot of trouble uploading pics... I will keep trying....**
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