I've thought about how to start this post a bunch and could come from a variety of angles. It's a little deeper than usual, and I don't know, maybe it will reach one of my 2 readers where you need it today?! If not, then, you will have a little inside into what is on my heart and mind today and possibly glean some encouragement for future rainy days. (And sorry in advance for no pictures within)...
I find myself on day 3 of maternity leave, 3 cm dialated and 80% effaced (as of last Thursday). My house is clean. The laundry is done. I have stocked away frozen dinners in my deep freezer. Cooper's room is spotless, dust-free and void of gift bags. Showers are completed. Thank you notes are (halfway) done. "Friends" reruns are caught up on. My hair is cut and highlighted. And I wait. And wait.
Selfishly, I wake up in the morning and think, "ugh, another night without contractions waking me up!... I mean, it was a freakin' full moon last night, what the crap?... I had contractions ALL day yesterday and NOTHING". And no offense to you, Robert Downey Jr. or your wife, Susan, but seriously? We were supposed to be in this together and you had your child YESTERDAY!? GRRR....
My husband reminded me last night that my "mood" is being attacked by the Enemy. That I have so much to be thankful for. And, funny as this sounds, soon I will look back at this post (sleep deprived to the hilt) and wish for a quiet day where I can nest and rest. But, I have been convicted of DISCONTENTMENT. Thank you, sweet Ryan for recognizing it and gently helping me see this.
We have had nothing but wonderful reports on this eager-expected child. I have a wonderful boss who has allowed me Maternity Leave early. I have a great job that accrues PTO quickly and is paying for me to be off right now. I have a Savior who is growing within me a precious little boy. I have a Savior who needs for me to be content in HIS timing (NOT MINE) so that this little boys' lungs, brain and organs will be perfectly developed. In a nutshell-- GODS' TIMING IS NOT MINE! And thank God for that.
As I had my devotional this morning, I was pressed to look up contentment and how it related to me in my current state. Well, come to find out, it's SO much bigger than a unsatified, moody pregnant woman waiting to give birth. It's about being content in what we HAVE. That the Lord gives us abundantly more than we can ask or imagine. It's about how we have shelter over our heads, clothing on our backs, health, food to eat, COMPUTERS to read trivial information.
I have been awake since 4 am, so I am about to go nap, but I want to leave with you with a passage from Philippians 4:19 which gave me great encouragement this morning...
"And My God will meet ALL YOUR NEEDS according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus".
I pray that today, any of you who stumble across this will take inventory not on what you LACK, but what you HAVE in abundance because the Lord loves you so.
Happy Wednesday!!