Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Summer wrap up and new tricks...
We have had a wonderful summer, full of fun visitors and trips to visit family. Campbell has discovered the fun of WATER, in all its forms... pools, beach, you name it. She has now settled into her new K-3 program at school and loves to learn! We hear fun facts every night at the dinner table. So fun to see a little brain soak up new info.
Cooper continues to battle ear infections and TEETHING! I feel like he has been breaking teeth for about 4 months now. Any day now, I expect to see a mouth full after all the sleepless nights, drooling and whining. Despite it all, he is a happy, HUNGRY little guy (exhibit A: the naked, diaper picture of his big 'ol belly). And, yes, new trick! He is sitting up. And LOVES it. The other night, I found him sitting straight up, asleep, in his swing. Sweet little boy.
Campbell and Cooper continue to grow close and love to be with each other. Campbell is always asking about him and he is always looking for her. She loves to feed him puffs while I prepare dinner or keep him company while watching Mickey Mouse. I love to see this bond develop more and more everyday!
We are looking forward to Fall, football, cooler weather and holidays. Campbell has already decided on a Halloween outfit and has started making a verbal list of things she would like Santa to bring her!
Hope everyone is having a great end to the summer. Love to all!!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Sweet Summertime!
Summer is in full swing around our house, complete with breaking in the new Slip-N-Slide, nightly desserts of PopIce, pigtails to keep cool, and fun summer visitors!
We are enjoying these two sweet kiddos more and more each day. Though each are in such different stages, they are becoming very close. Campbell has the magic to calm her brother down when he gets upset, and Cooper could not be more obsessed with where his sister is at all times.
Campbell continues to be fun-loving and dramatic at times, already giving us a window into what she will look like and act like when she is 16 years old. She is beautiful inside and out, and her heart is so sweet as she daily tells me, "Mommy, I love you so much. You are wonderful." And, my favorite as I clean up a dirty diaper, "Mommy, great job!"
Cooper is generally pretty flexible and a good baby. We have had some trials this month trying to figure out which formula works best for him. We have now decided on Soy. Despite tummy trouble and acne breakouts, his smiles come very easily.
Here are some pictures of recent highlights-- Campbell's first date night with Daddy to see "Madagascar 3", Cooper eating cereal, Slip N Slide fun in our backyard before dinner, a visit from Mom (aka "Ninah"), Campbell putting a bandaid on her brother's "chin pimple", and hanging out around the house.
Happy Summering to all out there!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
The new "norm"
I can't believe it has been so long since my last post. Life, as I know it, has changed lately. Without getting into too much detail, I am finding that my life has a "new norm". And on a happy, flip side of the coin, that includes two precious children who give me more smiles than I could've ever imagined being blessed with.
Campbell is an inquisitive 3 year old who asks me wonderful questions, gives amazingly sweet compliments to me, has a tender and protective heart for her brother, and whom I have discovered does not like the change that comes with getting older. She has moved up to the "big girl class", the 3 year old class, and the verdict is definitely out to whether she likes being a "big girl". She loves the responsibility of being a big sister, though. And even cried as hard as Cooper did, when he got his 2 month old shots. What a precious "Sissy", as she refers to herself!
Cooper is perhaps the smiliest character I have ever run across. Ryan and I are so blessed to have an easy, chilled out baby boy. We can't remember Campbell smiling and interacting so early, but this guy already has a GREAT sense of humor and belly laugh. Like father, like son. He really only cries when he is in his car seat and ready for a nap. Otherwise, you'll just have an easy going, sweet child always trying to get your attention to smile at you. He has started sleeping through the night, which is like Christmas itself!
Here are some pictures of what our house looks like these days. Usually, it's Campbell sitting beside or in very close proximity to where "Bubbie" (her name for Cooper) is, enjoying an after dinner Pop Ice, playing outside, shower time fun with Daddy, and Cooper in action on his activity mat.
Pray that your Spring has been wonderful thus far!!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Birthdays, Brunch, Bunnies, and Bubba...
What a fun Easter weekend we had! I pray that yours was as special as ours was.

Our sweet girl celebrated her 3rd birthday. I cannot believe how time flies by, and how old she is getting. She is such a joy to be around, and has the sweetest heart I believe I have ever encountered in a little one her age. I told her last night, "Campbell don't grow up anymore. I won't be able to hold you if you get any bigger". She said, "Aw Mommy (and came and held my face in her hands), it's ok, I'll fix it". Her heart is precious.

We had 20 family members over for a birthday brunch on Saturday, complete with a Monkey Bread "Dora" cake! It was wonderful to visit with family, and we couldn't have asked for a more gorgeous day. We missed y'all TONS, my sisters, but SO enjoyed my parents and 90 year old Great Aunt Jo in town!

Easter morning, we went to church for the first time since Little Man's arrival. It was wonderful to see church friends and to worship again in the fellowship of such a sweet congregation. After church, Mom and I cooked a delicious Easter dinner, and we watched Bubba Watson clench the Masters. It was a relaxing, gorgeous, perfect day to celebrate Jesus' resurrection and LIFE.

I pray that each of you had a wonderful holiday weekend!
Our sweet girl celebrated her 3rd birthday. I cannot believe how time flies by, and how old she is getting. She is such a joy to be around, and has the sweetest heart I believe I have ever encountered in a little one her age. I told her last night, "Campbell don't grow up anymore. I won't be able to hold you if you get any bigger". She said, "Aw Mommy (and came and held my face in her hands), it's ok, I'll fix it". Her heart is precious.
We had 20 family members over for a birthday brunch on Saturday, complete with a Monkey Bread "Dora" cake! It was wonderful to visit with family, and we couldn't have asked for a more gorgeous day. We missed y'all TONS, my sisters, but SO enjoyed my parents and 90 year old Great Aunt Jo in town!
Easter morning, we went to church for the first time since Little Man's arrival. It was wonderful to see church friends and to worship again in the fellowship of such a sweet congregation. After church, Mom and I cooked a delicious Easter dinner, and we watched Bubba Watson clench the Masters. It was a relaxing, gorgeous, perfect day to celebrate Jesus' resurrection and LIFE.
I pray that each of you had a wonderful holiday weekend!
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