we went to the mountain house with my family for the 4th... my sister and her fam come to visit Daphne!
Campbell is dedicated at our sweet church (better late than never, right?:))...one Sunday evening, Campbell gets down from our bed and breaks her elbow. Surgery to place 2 pins, and half cast for 6 weeks.
cast comes off... we can swim a few last times for the season. We go to South FLA to visit Ryans' sister. (Waiting on Nicole-- hint, hint, for cute pics from this vacay!)
so far, not much going on around here. Campbell just had her 2nd set of tubes placed and an adenoidectomy, and she is officially in her "big girl room" so we can make the nursery BLUE!
We are looking forward to the upcoming months ahead! Due to our very recent obsession with Disney princesses, Campbell will be Belle for Halloween. Trips to ATL coming up for our birthdays and later the UGA/AU game. Seaside for Thanksgiving and all the Christmas fun!
Happy weekend!
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