Monday, May 24, 2010


Here are a few pictures of what we've been up to lately. We've been trying to introduce Campbell to the joys of summer-- later and LIGHTER nights, a babypool (actually a "family-size" so we can all cool off), showers with Daddy after playing in the pool, and POP ICE! So far, she is a believer in the fun of summer. Our next task-- an introduction to homemade ice cream. I don't think that she will object;)


  1. i am laughing out loud at the shower pics! i love this!!!

    precious baby girl - stop getting so big!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE her hair and cute cute smile! she is ADORABLE!!! and i need to know where you got her shirt in the first pic...i think i need one :-)

  3. Loving her curly hair...

    Also loving the fact you are in your BIKINI!!! If I didn't love you so much, I would hate you.
