Yesterday, our sweet little girl turned 2! It's so cliche, I know, but seriously, WHEN did two years pass us by? Two years ago, I didn't fully know how such a little person could affect my life... how could such a small little thing cause me such worry? Sleep deprivation? Joy? Happiness? Frustration? Pride? Overwhelming LOVE? How could such a precious little thing allow me to realize with a fullness I've never known before of God's love for ME?! To realize if I love her this much, how much more does Christ love ME?! Campbell, thank you for giving me and your Dada the priviledge of parenting you, loving you, and teaching you the ways of this crazy world. We mess up alot because we've never done this before, but thank you for showing us grace, sweet girl! We love you and wouldn't have traded the past 2 years for anything!
We kicked the weekend off with some awesome time with my sisters, Gretchen and Heather and their 5 kiddos at Gulf Shores. They were so sweet to spend the 2nd half of their Spring Break with us and celebrating Campbell's special day. Thank y'all for coming all the way here, my lovely sisters! It wouldn't have been as much fun without y'all here (and I wouldn't have had y'alls mad organization skills at the party;)) I love you both so so much. My wonderful parents came in town just in time for the party and are staying through the weekend, and I love having them here! Campbell, can you have a birthday EVERY weekend? hehe.
Here are some pictures (slightly out of order) from her birthday party at the Old Town Daphne park. We had a blast with family and close friends-- running, sliding, swinging, eating Campbell's favorites (Cheetos, Lays, and cookie cake). We even had a little flair from our favorite purple dinosaur, Barney in the form of plates/napkins/cups. After the park, my family came back to our house for pizza and playing in the yard. What a wonderful day!... (and a plug for my BFF/roommate from AU, Leah, who made the precious "2" shirt. Leah, it was fabulous!)