I have been so MIA lately for various reasons including starting back to work at 32 hours a week, a long weekend to Orlando (sans baby) for Ryan to be in a wedding, Campbell having tube surgery for her little ears and weekends with fun, out-of-town visitors. It's nice to sit back down at the computer and attempt to catch up. But, what better way than via pictures?
I actually posted last week, but couldn't get the durn computer to upload my video. I wanted to share Campbell's mad dance moves from the halftime show of the Super Bowl. One day, when my computer is functioning properly, I will try once again, because it will surely lift your spirits on a bad day.
Even though it's been a sickly Fall/Winter, Campbell continues to crack us up with her funny ways. Her vocabulary is rapidly expanding and constantly makes us laugh with the combinations she puts together! Most recently, and following tube surgery where I have to put drops in her ears, she exclaims, "Mama! Don't like it!" And, anything she enjoys, you will hear, "Agi (again), agi". Just this evening, my heart was warmed as she prayed to "Jesa (Jesus)" before going night-night: "Dear Jesa...blah blah blah.. night night. Amen" Sweet baby girl.
So, as I attempt to figure out how to blog on the more exciting goings-ons, here are some pictures of our funny, little pumpkin. Taken from my sisters' visit to Daphne (on Fairhope pier), a visit from my parents, and just hanging around the house.
Enjoy and have an awesome week!