Hello and Happy New Year! I trust that all of you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. A time to reflect, not on your lack of funds from all the shopping, but the true reason for Christmas. Christ's birth.
As the title would suggest, ours was, well, interesting... and stressful. As seen below, Campbell is exhibiting how we all FELT, but Ryan and I tried not express in pictures. It goes without saying that our little family Christmas picture will not be framed this year.

Yours truly had a sinus infection, Campbell had 1. Croup 2. An ear infection 3. Temp of 102 (sometimes +) and 4. A virus. And, the sweet hubby had poison ivy ALL over that no amount of cortisone, Calomine lotion or steroid injections would heal! So, after a house call from a pediatrician friend of mine, an extra Z-pack from my Dad, and another prescription of anti-itch meds from the local doc-in-the-box, we were back in full swing. A big shout out to my poor parents who probably should've worn masks to combat our little family's germs, but endured and offered LOTS of help and TLC. Below is the "pink meddy" of choice and our new, current favorite DVD that we hear around here about 16 times a day. (Thank you, Mimi).

Despite all of the illness, a Christmas Eve fender bender with my father-in-laws' car, and me breaking my parents' washing machine with one of Campbell's mittens, it was a wonderful holiday. Atlanta provided us with a WHITE CHRISTMAS! Campbell scored mucho loot from both sides of the family! The hubby gave me a KINDLE and my 1st pair of real DIAMOND earrings! We got to play with my sisters' yellow Lab PUPPY (or "huppy" as Campbell says)!

We didn't get alot of pictures on the actual DAY, but the fun continues around here as toys, Cozy Coups, grocery carts, light-up puzzles, Mardi Gras beads and stuffed animals crowd our house.

Here's to a great start (and germ-free) 2011...