Here we go:
1. Dressing up in Mommy's clothes... or for lack of better title "putting Mommy's panties on my head or around my neck".

2. Chillin' on her potty, or in her words "the bobby". (She WILL kill me for these pics when she is 16). We still haven't gotten the timing down, but at least she's interested, right?

3. Loving on her BFF, O'Malley. Her favorite spot to drink her milk, in the crook of his tummy. Ahh, ultimate safety.

4. Still lining up the friends, but now strategically placing them so they can watch TV.

5. Reading. Anything. Daddy has a go, then Mommy follows up with the same story. Over and over and over again.

And, .6 is coming. I have to break out the videocamera for this one. Oh, the incessant dancing. Stay tuned.