Well, the beach trip was a success. It started out a little rough (I even packed up to head home at one point), due to a baby who was teething, had a head cold, couldn't get comfortable in a Pack and Play, took 45+ mins to calm down for naps/bedtime, and liked to wake this Mama up at 4:30AM three mornings in a row. So, after some good naps, some much needed alone time to run to the store or wherever, and some GREAT help from my Mom and sisters (and nieces), we enjoyed the rest of the week.
As I anxiously await my sisters' pics, I will provide a "list" of the more memorable events of the week.
1.) Dinner at Stinky's: DISCLAIMER-- this could be a post in itself.
After a less-than-relaxing dinner at yummy Stinky's Fish Camp, I got up to walk my restless toddler around outside and on the way out,
FELL DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS! **If any of you remember Britney Murphy's character from the movie
Clueless fly down the stairs, please envision now** Yes, Campbell was ok (thank the Lord, as she was on my hip) but only because I had the sense to guard her sweet little body with mine (while flying through mid-air) as evidence by my bruised and battered elbow, fanny and knee. When I tell you that if could take a picture and not have Blogspot ban me from their website, I would. I have the WORST shiner you have ever seen on my right booty cheek. It definitely has taken
FIRST place as my "Most Embarrassing Moment", as I was escorted down the 2nd flight of stairs by TWO managers and heard a literal shriek of terror from a patron who witnessed the blunder. Bad thing was, only strangers saw the horrific sight, my family was still settling the bill. Nice. If any of you were vacationing down in the Seaside/Seagrove/Grayton Beach area and heard about the Mom who fell down the stairs with her child in tow, well, that was yours truly...
2.) Early wake up calls by my sweetie pie, Campbell. As the week progressed, she let me sleep in until 6AM! Whoo hoo. We would typically either sneak out quietly and go for a run, or hop on the bike and go grab a Mother-Daughter donut while my other family members slept in peace.
3.) Enjoying yummy dinners as we each took turns cooking. Fish Tacos, Fresh Salads, Homeade Guacamole, Pasta with pancetta/asparagus/pine nuts, and Alfredo Bake. Now I know where my new 2 (or 3 or 4)lbs. has come from....
4.) Bike rides after dinner following multiple glasses of wine... this too could be a post in itself. We'll just leave it at, Campbell has some new words in her vocabulary, including "weeeee" and "whoa"...
5.) A free concert on the lawn at Seaside with hundreds of children (including mine) dancing, twirling, squealing in delight and enjoying ice cream dripping down their chins. Such a wonderful sight to see Campbell enjoying "big girl" time with my sweet nieces!
6.) Getting to enjoy a little time under the beach umbrella with my sisters while my sweet Mom watched Campbell for a bit. What wonderful time of conversation and just "being" together. I miss these times so much now that I live out of state. My sisters are amazing, wise, insightful and all around awesome "Moms" to look up to and emulate. If you don't know them, you are missing out.
Ok... that is enough for now. I could go on and on, but this post is getting WAY long! More to follow with pics...