I love a good Labor Day. Fall is somewhat in the air (if you delete the 100% humidity down here in LA), college football is gearing up (and is the
only thing on my screen, sorry Elmo), and I start to break out the sweats/sweatshirts (with definite shout-outs to Alpha Gam and the glory days in AU)!
To sum up our weekend, we did a little of this....

ALOT of this...

And, introduced the Little Lady to this...

Now, I have to be transparent and say that being from Atlanta, and growing up going to the ATLANTA ZOO, I was slightly snobby when I heard that our closest zoo was
literally named, "The Little Zoo That Could". Sad, huh?! But, did my ego ever have a bruisin' when we saw approximately 10ish TIGERS!?! BEARS!!!!? LIONS?!?!! What?! I was very impressed at what Gulf Shores puts out in the area of exotic animals. And, to say that Campbell was
enthralled is the understatement of the YEAR! She LOVED it. She kept saying, "Hi" to all the animals. Her favs were the goats, deer, donkey and sheep. Bless her, she even kept humming the beginning stanzas to "Bah Bah Black Sheep".

The end result... a sweaty, exhausted, red-cheeked, curly haired toddler who can't keep her hands out of the dog bowl to "feed" the "petting zoo-like LAB" whom we adoringly call our dog, O'Malley. That will be an interesting lesson to attempt to teach after our zoo activity...

I hope that everyone's Labor Day was wonderful and that you were able to enjoy a "day off" with your loved ones.